Wednesday, August 3, 2016

It's another Wednesday which favorite day of the week thanks to Sister Jordan Wunderli's emails

Hello and happy Wednesday.  I hope your week is off to a great start.  I'm having a good week but there is always a huge uptick in goodness on Wednesday when we start receiving Jordan's emails.  I'll share some thoughts after you read her email so if you're interested, keep reading.  Without further ado, here is Jordan's email and pictures.

Sister Jordan Wunderli's email:
This week has probably been the hardest week yet at the MTC. And most boring but there are still pictures pics at the bottom!
The daily life of a missionary (in the MTC) (for the most part)
-6:30am wake up and get ready
-7:00am personal study
-7:45am breakfast
-8:15am-11:15am class (learn Japanese and the gospel)
-11:05am companion study
-11:55am lunch
-12:35pm-3:35pm class
-3:35pm language study
-4:40 dinner
-5:30-6:30 exercise time (only 4x a week)
-7pm-9pm study
-9pm-9:30pm daily planning
-9:30pm-10:15pm get ready for bed
-10:15pm quiet time
-10:30pm lights out
So for P-day, we always watch the "Parade of Missionaries" which is just all the missionaries that come in to the MTC because they all come in on Wednesdays. We grab a sack lunch, and have a picnic, while screaming "Welcome to the MTC!!!" And this P-day is extra special because we have new Kohai (just mean that we have more people that are going to Japan) coming in!!
-So this week was pretty boring/uneventful, so me and Sister Gorner were talking and we said, okay next week were just going to "do it for the journal" (so expect more excitement in my next email hopefully)
-One of the Elders in my district told us about how he has been hearing this creepy knocking on the wall next to his bed at night, so me and another Elder in the district thought it would be funny to right a letter from 'Wall Tapper' and it said "Why don't you answer me???? I'm so lonelyyyyy." He read it to us that night and he was soooo creeped out. I was dying.
-On breaks, my district all sings songs and makes raps which is quite entertaining. My favorite one we did this week was Tik-Tok by Kesha hahahah.
-So I told some Elders about how Jodan (means joke) sounds like my name and now they only call me Jodan which is way funny.
-I am really good friends with this Elder from Australia who is in my zone but not my distrct and he is teaching me how to do an Australian accent.
-Japanese stinks.
-We have to teach all of our lessons in Japanese with no notes and it is honestly so so hard.
-The language has definitely been the hardest part so far of the MTC, and we are all trying so hard not to get discouraged.
-So for our Sunday Devotional, Stephen B. Allen (managing director of missionary department) came and spoke.
       -He showed a lot of LDS commercials and they were way cheesy but way entertaining.
       -He told us to "Rejoice in the fact that a prophet of God received revelation for your calling."
       -God doesn't want you to become like your companion, district leader, or anyone else, he wants you to become like Christ.
-For Tuesday Devotional, W. Christopher Waddell (In the presiding bishopric) spoke and it was an amazing talk.
       -He talked about how we are like Christ and he said that when we sent in our letter saying we accepted our call, that we basically raised our right hand and said, "Here am I, send me" just as Christ did in the Pre-existance...So cool!!
       -He also said to "Baptize converts, not numbers."
Every day you're a missionary, is a beautiful day.
Sister Wunderli
PICS (going down)
1) On Wednesdays we wear floral (and each other's dresses)
2) Reppin our countries
3) Peace out MTC (jk)
4) Roomies and I eating microwave popcorn at 10pm
5) My fam bam (my district)
6) name tag pics are always needed

So you are all up to day.  I typically send an email almost everyday.  Once in a while I'll send two when I've already sent her one and something else might come to mind that I want to share with her.  My messages to her are always very supportive - I think she made a great choice and I have every confidence that she will do very well.  I sent her an actual letter via  If you register for a free account on this website, you can write a letter on the website and they will deliver it for you.  She loves getting a physical letter.  It's free when the letters are to the Provo MTC and not very expensive when they are out in the mission field.

The church rolled out a new curriculum for teachers and I had to introduce it to the teachers in our ward (I'm the Sunday School President).  There were lots of great and relevant messages in the material including getting class members involved - that's the biggest thing - class members should teach, when possible and teachers should encourage lots of participation from class members including sharing life experiences and baring their testimonies.  One of the messages that really hit home for me was the reminder that we learn about the gospel, gain a testimony of it and get to know Jesus through the spirit.  Jordan had mentioned something along the lines of teaching with the spirit and suddenly I came across a number of things related to this so I've been sharing those scriptures and my thoughts.  She tells me she loves them and looks forward to them so I'll keep sending her my messages.  :)  That's all for now.  Feel free to ask questions or share your thoughts.  She loves any and all support (ie emails, letters, etc.).

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