Monday, December 4, 2017

What's Niigata?

After this post, there will be two more before Jordan get's home.  As you can imagine, I'm VERY excited about this.  Here is her email.  Thanks for your support and thanks for reading.

Hello hello. No time to waste. I only have 2 weeks left. Ahhh here ya go!

What's Niigata?
There's a sign that moves around the niigata prefecture that says "what's niigata" on it. I don't really know what the real meaning of the sign is or why it's there, but I'll give my meaning of what niigata is.
•the furthest zone in the whole mission from the mission home
•‎the coldest zone in the mission and the only zone where it snows
•‎the countryside of countryside
•‎home of my bean area and my dying area; where I started and where I will finish my mission
•‎the place where a member of the seventy promised there would be a temple one day
•‎the place where I've probably grown and learned the most in my entire life
•‎the place where I've been for both winters on my mission (God really has a sense of a humor sometimes, I'm from Vegas and am not use to the cold at all yet I get sent to niigata for both my winters haha)
•‎famous for its delicious rice 
•‎the place I've spent 6 months, 1/3 of my mission
•‎the most talked about zone in the mission

In my mission, we have developed a culture of OYM, or open your mouth, which means to talk to everyone you possibly can about the gospel. So this week, we were at a members' house. She is the only member in her family and has 3 kids that are around 20 years old. We were asking about her family a lot and she told us that she is scared to death to talk to them about the church. She told us that her husband is pretty anti so she doesn't want anything bad to happen and is just too scared to talk to her kids. She then told us that WE have talked to her daughter before. I did not remember this so I asked her when. She said that we talked to her daughter on the train and that her daughter said that she had met missionaries from her church and that we were really nice (she didn't tell us her mom was a member). This member was sooo grateful that we decided to open our mouths and talk to her daughter. She then gave us full permission to talk to any of her kids about the church :) Now we just have to meet them! We're working on having her invite them to English class so we can take over about talking about the gospel.

The rest of my week is in the pictures :) love you all. Remember you can OYM to share the gospel too!


1. My last Zone conference ahhh.

2 and 3. The Sanjo church is in a strip mall! How cute!!

4 and 5. We had zone blitz where all the missionaries in the niigata zone went out and proselyted together and it was on a night where it was pouring snow and rain so it was freezing :) barely survived. Also the what's niigata sign is in the background.

6. Our investigator, Kobayashi san

There you have it.  She began her mission (the Japan part, anyway) in Sado (the island north of the main island of Japan), the northern most part of the Niigata zone and the mission in general.  She is finishing her mission in Sanjo - also in the Niigata zone.  I think it is a brilliant move by President Nagano since it will prepare her for the winter season in Salt Lake City and it will help her want to come home - she was loving her mission too much in Tokyo.  :)

Thanks for your prayers - please keep praying for her safe return - and your emails.  She loves them all. 

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