Monday, July 17, 2017

Kumagaya's Back

It sounds like Jordan's week was fantastic and I love it when she has such great weeks (don't we all want that for our loved ones?).  She wasn't supposed to be able to go to the Temple again before it closed for an extensive remodel but it was awesome that the mission president let her go with a member from her previous ward; what a great experience for her.  I'll let you read all about it.

What a wunderful week it's been here in Nakano (aka the promise land). I love Japan. I love being a missionary. I love Jesus. Okay anyway...

New investigator:
We were on our way to visit a less active and felt prompted to stop this mom watching the trains pass with her little baby boy. We started talking to her and found out that she actually just got back from living in England for 6 years and she is fluent in English. We talked to her about her family and her life and the gospel got brought up. We asked her if she would want to live with her family forever and she said yes! We told her that she could and she looked so happy. We told her that the church building that we go to was pretty close and then she asked if she could have a church tour!! We said yes, set up a return appointment, and exchanged contact information. She messaged us later the same day, saying how excited she was. The church tour is this Wednesday and we're praying so hard that it will go well!

So here's a brief background on Miu: She came to the Jenny oaks baker concert a couple of weeks back and we met her through Momoko (another investigator/English student). She couldn't come to English class this week because she had work so she asked if we could have a private one on Sunday we asked if 3:30pm at the church would work for her (conveniently right after church) and she said yes. We then asked her if she wanted to come to church since it was right before anyway and she said yes!! She ended up coming to the whole 3 hours of church and absolutely loving it and we set up another appointment with her for this next week. We also talked to her about America and she kept saying how she wants to go to prom and how she wants to ride a yellow school bus haha oh how I love people who aren't from America. Never thought yellow school busses were cool until now. She also had never heard of Jesus Christ until Sunday school class. This just amazed me! But I'm so excited to help her come to know her savior.

Kumagaya reunion:
Engrid got her temple recommend and on top of that I got to go so baptisms for the dead with her in the Tokyo temple for her first time! What a happy moment that was. It was sooo good to see Engrid again and she is just doing better than ever. She is such a big example to me and she just kept saying how much she loved the temple and wants to come back before it closes to do her own family's names. Along with getting to see my 2nd mom, engrid again, I got to see a few other kumagaya members as well that came to support her. Holy cow, it was such a happy reunion. Kumagaya definitely holds a special place in my heart. I feel so blessed to be in Japan and to get to know all of these truly Christlike people aka the members!

Kobayashi Shimai: 
One of my favorite parts about being a missionary is getting to know the members. I seriously love the members so much. The members here are such an example to me in all different ways, but it just truly amazes me how they really make the gospel the center of their lives. We met with Kobayashi Shimai this week. Kobayashi Shimai is a mom of two kids in the Nakano ward. Her husband isn't a member, but she brings her kids to church every week and really just lives the gospel to the fullest. She also loves the backstreet boys, in sync, and new kids on the block. Did I mention how much I love getting to know the members? Haha she cracked me up. I told her that we will go do karaoke together after the mission and sing some backstreet boys songs (I actually don't even know if I know any..). She is so cool.

Lots of other good things happened this week, and lots of tender mercies were seen, but this email is already getting long and I have to have some stuff to tell y'all in person ;) So until next week! Read your scriptures peeps.
Wunderli Shimai 

1. Celebrated 1 year as a missionary with my favorite coconut drink and ordering dominos pizza for the first time in Japan (let me just tell ya..its way easier to order pizza in English)
2. Backstreet groupie aka Kobayashi Shimai
3. Temple with Engrid ❤
4. Went to the international store after the temple. Also got a burrito. Life is good. 
5. Shibuya 
6 and 7. The coolest Disney store ever. It's Andy's room from history!
8. Heaven on earth. 

Thanks again for the support you give Jordan by reading her emails (the content of the blog), remembering her in your prayers, and mailing / emailing her.  Feel free to share your thoughts or questions in the comment box.  See you next week.

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